Favorite Homeopathic & Natural Resources

Our journey to homeopathic remedies has been a long one. Growing up in “the system” where doctors knew best and medicines helped you is a hard cycle to break.

It wasn’t until I, Annette, started experiencing more and more food allergies that we began to see there might be another way.

We started doing our own research and seeking answers for ourselves. But it wouldn’t be for another two years that we started actually using homeopathic remedies.

We are still learning and growing in our understanding, but here are some of our favorites that we use now.

This is the first kit we started with on our homeopathy journey. We used some of these initially until we found the ones we most commonly used and built up our own “chest” of remedies.

This book was recommended to us by a friend who had also started her homeopathy journey. It is a great starting point if you’re trying to reconcile what you’ve always known to a different way of thinking.

This is one of the books we use to help find remedies for different ailments and chronic conditions for members of our family.

Since new protocols come out and new remedies are found, this book ‘accompanies’ The Banerji Protocols book. It includes additional protocols not found in the original book.

Joette Calabrese – Joette is a WEALTH of knowledge and information when it comes to finding homeopathic remedies. You can start here with her QuickStart Guide!

You can also listen to her podcast!
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Natural Products We Like

Although this is not homeopathic, it is a natural remedy that has brought us a great deal of relief with deep, sore muscles.

Beware: it will burn your eyes/mouth, so wash your hands immediately after use – ask us how we know. 😉

This is not intended as medical advice but rather informational and educational purposes.  Homeopathy doesn’t “treat” an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. In order to be treated or diagnosed, we believe that the advice of a holistic physician is in order.

Jacob, Annette’s husband, is a student of homeopathy and continues to expand his knowledge and understanding.

Disclaimer: Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.