Thank you, Annette, for allowing me to share with your readers today in your series, 30 Days of the Bible. Hi, my name is Alecia and I am a blogger at Learning 2 Walk where I try to make the homeschooling lifestyle simple. Today I will be sharing with you how you can help your children learn about the Bible through a few preschool sensory activities– namely sensory bins.
First of all, let me say sensory bins are a fantastic learning tool. Once you have the basics covered, they can be fairly quick to put together and children love it. If you have never created a sensory bin, then simply hop on over and read this post quickly, I will wait.
Now that you are knowledgeable about what a sensory bin is, the benefits, as well as how to create and store a sensory bin, we can proceed. Let’s address how we can use this knowledge to teach a child about the Bible.
Step 1: Pick A Bible Story
This step is pretty self explanatory. What story do you want to introduce to your child? If they have already been exposed to the story, is there anything in particular you want them to focus on? We chose Daniel and the Lion’s Den, mainly because my daughter is currently obsessed with playing with her lion sensory bin.
Step 2: What Part of the Story Do You Want to Highlight?
Now that we know that we are focusing on Daniel in the Lion’s Den, what scene of the story do you want to display in your bin? For me it would be Daniel in the lion’s den with a (few) lions around him.
Step 3: Make It Happen
Now to put those creative mind to work. What do we use to represent Daniel? A simple doll could work. If you have no dolls, grab a picture of a man from a magazine and past him to a craft stick.
Next, we need a base. How do you think the floors of the den looked? I imagine brown and dusty and so I used a brown stone base. If you don’t have this handy then grab some dirt from outside! Yup use what you have around.
Once we have our Daniel and the base, we need to get a lion or 2 in there, as well as a few stones and your sensory bin is complete.
With your completed sensory bin, re-read the Bible story and ask a few questions. How do you think Daniel felt? Have you ever been scared?
Sensory bins can be a fantastic teaching tool to little ones and to be honest, I am always fascinated at how creative I can get and hearing my daughter say, “Wow, that’s cool Mommy!” I hope your next Bible lesson will be a sensory one!